Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Next Few Days.....

I know I've been falling behind on some of the stuff I'm supposed to be posting. It's mostly my fault too. I'm STILL working on my post for my art piece She Wants Blood. It's taking a long time because I'm not always motivated to work on it and because of the way I want to present everything, it's become difficult to decide how I want to finish it. Hopefully, I'll have that done soon enough. So anyway, I mentioned not too long ago that there are six new projects that I'm working on. So far, only one of those projects has been making any real progress. I do have pictures, but not as many as I want. I hope to have my next update with pictures before Tuesday. If I don't, then we won't be seeing anything on here (related to the current projects) until the early hours of Saturday since I just found out recently that I'm going to be dog-sitting from Tuesday night until Friday.

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