Friday, October 16, 2015

2015 Progress Report: August

After taking a summer break, I finally started working again. I took a project I started years ago and picked up where I left off.

8/1/15: This project is currently known as P4. I actually started on it 5 years ago but then put it aside for several years. Now I know what I want to do with it so I started working on it again. It's going through a slight redesign on the back area because I felt the piece needed to be structurally reinforced. There's also a piece of wood glued down for the eventual hanging. Also, at the bottom, I have a chunk of foam board sticking out. That's because I want to try something new with this but I'm not sure if it's going to work. I'll talk more about that part later.

By the way, in all the August pics, you're only seeing the back on the sculptural part of this piece.
8/2/15: I started the chickenwire work.
I finished the chickenwire work and I'm starting on the canvas work.
8/9/15: After a break, I'm finishing the canvas work.
8/12/15: This is also a part of the P4 project. This is a very, very early start for this drawing. Right now, it's just a shapes and trying to get a basic idea for a composition down.
8/12/15: The other drawing party for P4. There's not much to look at here, at least not right now.
8/12/15: The gesso work on the back of P4 is done. This piece will be left alone for a while.

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