Saturday, August 26, 2017

2017 Progress Report: June

Throughout the month of June, I had three specific goals in mind. The first goal was to order new clay. The second goal was to work on two projects from the spring that I couldn't work on before because I ran out of clay. The third goal was to begin work on new pieces that I eventually want to sell. This work would resume throughout July as well.

6/7/17: I had to order some new clay over the summer. I ended up getting 50 lbs of white clay and 100lbs of sculpting clay.

6/13/17: Last year, I made a piece that looked like this called The Coming Storm. It ended up being a pit fired piece.  This year, I want to make something with a similar form, but have it as a saggar firing.

6/14/17: The piece has been smoothed out a little over the previous 24 hours.

6/14/17: Last year, I made a piece that was pit fired called Creation. This year, I want to make a similar egg-shaped piece that will be saggar fired instead. However, I also want to make more pit fired eggs to sell. This was the first in a few eggs I would make. I would later decide which piece will be the saggar piece and which ones will be the pit pieces.

6/20/17: This is the second egg piece. I didn't like this one as much because the grooves from the coils were still showing a little bit.

6/21/17: I believe this was the third egg. There's not much to say about this one.

6/21/17: This is the fourth egg. I think I liked this one and the first one the best.

6/27/17: Now comes the process of slowly allowing the eggs to dry just enough to do the burnishing work. Since I could only make it to the studio on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, that meant that I would need to keep my work sealed for almost a week. This was annoying because it slowed the drying process too much at times, but I had to do it this way.

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